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K4D Dimensiones [mm/ft]* 3400x130x1100 / 11, 15x4, 1x3, 67 Peso [kg/lb]* 3050 / 6710 K6E * Los datos mencionados son aproximados y pueden diferir de los valores reales. Dimensiones [mm/ft]* 5100x1800x1300 / 16, 79x5, 81x4, 13 Peso [kg/lb]* 9750 / 21450 Características de la optimización de procesos Tornillo del decanter Gira a una velocidad diferencial (en relación con el tambor) y transporta los sólidos en dirección a la zona de descarga de sólidos. Nuestros numerosos años de experiencia y el espíritu innovador de nuestros ingenieros han hecho posible el diseño especial de los tornillos sinfín del Sorticanter®. Ir al tornillo del decanter Tambor del decanter La mezcla de plástico alcanza una velocidad máxima en el tambor del decanter, de manera que la fase pesada se deposita en las paredes de éste. El tambor del decanter del Sorticanter® ha sido especialmente diseñado para el reciclaje de plásticos. Por ejemplo, cuenta con una pieza en forma de campana para sacar la fase ligera del líquido.

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'Halloween is known as Samhain to pagans and was the Celtic festival of the dead. ' 'The Eisteddfod is an annual event in Wales which has descended from a Celtic tradition. ' 'As long as ideas of a pure Britishness persist, Celtic identity will be a response to them. ' 'Some of these books and texts are translations of Celtic legends and sagas; others are retellings of the material, folklore, or literary works based on Celtic themes. ' noun mass noun The Celtic language group. 'In particular, we can nowadays assume that the oldest Celtic was spoken in Central Europe and Northern Italy. ' 'It seems likely therefore that Celtic was spoken on both sides of the Rhine during the early empire. ' 'In fact, the form of old Celtic was the closest cousin to Italic, the precursor of Latin. ' Usage Celt and Celtic can be pronounced either with an initial k- or s-, but in standard English the normal pronunciation is with a k-, except in the name of the Glaswegian football club Origin Late 16th century from Latin Celticus (from Celtae 'Celts'), or from French Celtique (from Celte 'Breton').

January 28, 2021